Emergency and non emergency medical transport, big rig trucking and public transportation types that have a difficult time finding Commercial Auto Insurance.
What happens when a business owner cannot find Commercial Auto Insurance Liability or other coverage that is required in the day to day operation of the business? They have to seek specialized assistance.
When insurance customers are unable to obtain non-standard commercial transportation insurance in the normal or preferred marketplace, they submit a quote request application to assigned risk producers and they help the customer find coverage. Below is a quick quote or help request form for business owners and commercial fleet managers that aren’t able to secure coverage.
If you are having trouble finding insurance for your company request help below. This is not for insurance agents or brokers.
Request help for your business (855) 910-9321 and also (833) 516-9321.
Certified Commercial Automobile Assigned Risk Insurance Brokers specialize in insurance that most or all other companies refuse or shy away from. Experienced Commercial auto and truck insurance transportation specialists producers will help all types of companies and help them get insured, whether they are a “new venture” or “new start up company“, or an existing business with too many claims, problem drivers, poor vehicles inspection results or any other reason that makes the situation unique to insure.
•Emergency and non emergency medical transport NEMT
•Taxi Cab Fleets
•Commercial Trucks of all sizes
•Charter Busing
•Black Car Service
•Airport Bus Service
•Long-haul Trucking
•School Bus
•Hazmat Haulers
•Fuel haulers (Gas, Diesel and others)
•Auto Liability
•Cargo Insurance (From leading Companies, MGA’S & Wholesalers)
•Auto Physical Damage (From leading Companies, MGA’S & Wholesalers)
•Optional Non-Owned Hired Auto coverage
•Excess coverage available
“WHAT?” Can StateCaip.Com help insure these companies? Probably Yes!

[schema type=”product” url=”https://statecaip.com/” name=”Commercial Truck Insurance, NEMT, Public Auto and Business Auto Insurance” description=”Business owners get expert help finding insurance for Commercial Truck Insurance, NEMT, Public Auto and Business Auto Insurance (855) 910-9321.” brand=”Commercial Insurance” manfu=”Various highly rated non standard insurance companies” model=”BAP” single_rating=”4.97″ agg_rating=”99″ price=”$200.00″ condition=”New” ]