When you are having a hard time finding California Commercial Auto Insurance for your trucking, towing, taxi or any other high exposure type of business, come to us for expert assistance and to find a policy (855) 554-6321.

POSSIBLE California Commercial Auto Insurance CLASSES
•Taxi Cabs
•Limousine Services
•Black Car Service
•Airport Bus Service
•Long-haul Trucking
•School Busses
POSSIBLE California Commercial Auto Insurance COVERAGES
•Auto Liability
•Auto Physical Damage
•Optional Non-Owned Hired Auto coverage
•Excess coverage available
Get your California commercial auto insurance help request started and send it on its way to us. We’ll quickly get your information setup for a quote and give you a call back to discuss the finer details and your coverage needs.

Our Direct to consumer companies.

STATE CAIP’S Assigned risk commercial auto insurance policies, if available usually are much more restricted in the coverage they offer and have lower limits than preferred or voluntary market policies. In addition, the total overall cost for assigned risk CAIP policies usually are significantly higher, although not always and sometimes is the only way to stay in business while insuring high-risk drivers.
Some California Commercial Insurance may need to be placed with excess and surplus lines insurance markets which is a type of the insurance market that allows consumers to buy property and casualty insurance through the state regulated insurance market, where policy holders, agents, brokers and insurance companies all have the ability to design specific insurance coverages and negotiate pricing based on the risks to be secured.